Bill Duty/ Tax And Shipping Charges To Shipper 关税/其他税项及运费由寄件人支付
THE rise of the Malaysian ringgit in recent months is unlikely to encourage shipping lines to reduce their freight charges. 马来西亚货币林吉特最近几个月来的持续上扬不利于马国班轮公司降低货运成本。
Charges for these services are in addition to shipping charges. 这些服务之费用会另加于运费之上。
C& F-the shipper pays shipping charges to point of import, and the consignee pays the balance. 托运人支付到进口地的运费,收件人支付余额。
Study on the China s Container Shipping Route between China and Japan "Negative Freight" Price Competition; The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract; 我国集装箱班轮运输中日航线负运费价格竞争分析运输费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关;
Bill receiver lets you bill your shipping charges to the shipment receiver. 向收件人收款可让您指定由货品收件人来支付运费。
Reveal shipping charges before asking for personal information. 揭示运费之前要求的个人信息。
An invoice has clear and detail breakdown of overall cost that includes price of product, shipping charges and applicable sales tax. 账单内容能够清楚并详细显示费用之分类,如产品之价格,运费和相关税项。
Keep shipping charges within reason. 运费保持内部的原因。
In insurance on goods or merchandise, the insurable value is the prime cost of the property insured, plus the expenses of and incidental to shipping and the charges of insurance upon the whole; 在货物或商品保险中,保险价值是该保险财产的成本价格,加上海运费和与海运有关的费用,及全部海运过程中的保险费用。
Prices shown do not include shipping and handling charges. 商品所显示价格不包括邮费。
Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your fedex account number. 运输时使用本标签的影印件将构成欺诈,可能增加计费收费,您联邦快递账号也会取消。
Please do not bargain, the price includes international shipping, handling, and bank transfer charges. 客户们请不要议价,价钱包括了国际运费,手续费,和银行转帐费。
6 all shipping charges are to be prepaid by vendor and added to invoice unless otherwise indicated. 6.卖主预付所有的装船费用,如没有其它说明,均计入发票。
Shipping charges are not included in all price listed. 宝贝的价钱是不包括运输费。
Freight Collect-the consignee pays all shipping charges and the destination country ′ s duty and tax, if applicable. 运费到付-由收件人支付所有的运费和目的地国征收的关税和税金。
Prices quoted do not include shipping charges unless so stated in quotation. 标出的价格在报价单不包括运费,除非如此陈述。
The delivery will be arranged and the shipping charges will be prepaid by you, we will repay the shipping charges against original receipt. 发货事宜已办妥,运输费由贵司支付,我们将根据原始的单据支付运费。
Generate specific shipping charges for each shipping option available to customers. 对于客户可使用的每种托运选项,订定特定的寄件费用。
PACKING AND SHIPPING: Seller shall pay all shipping, packing, crating and cartage charges unless otherwise specified in this order. 包装和运输:非合同规定,则卖方应承担运输、包装、装箱、集装箱或卡车运输等费用。
The price after catalog shipping charges is$ 68, which is about what a family in Afghanistan brings home in a month. 导购目录上的价格包括运费是68美元,相当于一个阿富汗家庭一个月的收入。
System Structure of Chinese International Shipping Administration Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route 我国国际航运行政管理体系结构研究航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准
If we have refunds agreements, you will be responsible for the return shipping charges. 如果达成退货退款协议,本公司会收取货品退回运费。
At last, it also talks about the practical methods of reducing port charges. Mainly including the shippers 'demand, the selection of managing means and subscribing of shipping contract and freight collecting, port charges auditing and so on. 主要包括:营运组织中的货主需求,营运方式的选择及运输合同的签订及运费计收、港口使费的安排、审核等商务问题。